Monday 30 April 2012

For Alice

With all the training I've been doing I don't want to lose sight of the reason that I'm putting myself (and my family) through all this, my niece Alice. 

Alice contracted encephalitis shortly after she was born and as a result has been left severely brain damaged.

When I decided to undertake my South Downs Challenge I asked Alices parents, Sarah and Tim, which charity they would like me to raise money for and they both said, without hesitation, Small Steps

Small Steps has helped both Alice and Sarah and Tim. Alice has benefitted from their classes. She often stiffens up due to her lack of movement and the Small Steps sessions helps relieve this stiffness.

Sarah and Tim have learnt new techniques which they have been able to use with Alice at home. They have also had the opportunity to use different equipment which is not offered by Alice's local physiotherapist. Small Steps has given them a chance to meet and gain a support network of parents with children of similar abilities.

As I've said in my previous post, I am very proud to be raising money for such a fantastic charity. Small Steps are only a small set up but what they do has such a huge impact on their users. 

So if you haven't sponsored me already, please dig deep and give to a charity that really needs your support.

Many thanks.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Nick, we are both blown away by your commitment to this challenge and raising money for Small Steps, a charity that means so much to us and to 70 other families with a disabled child.
    Alice is profoundly disabled, yet Small Steps as the name indicates, helps Alice make small steps of progress with her physical disabilty. She loves the sessions, as we 'sing' each time we do an activity, which the children learn to anticipate, if not love! Other groups with more able children learn techniques from Small Steps and make huge strides with sitting, standing and walking.

    We would have thought the government pay for this, but they dont, it is entirely supported by charitable donations like your challenge.

    Looking after a profoundly disabled child is hard on many levels but made easier by support from charities like Small Steps.

    Thank you so much it means so much to us. Love the photo of Alice - can we come and see you on the way? Lots of love Sarah and Tim x
