Tuesday 29 May 2012

Day Two: The Sustainability Centre - Gumber Bothy

Distance Walked: 24.5 Miles
Start Time: 7.10
Finish Time: 5.15
Total Time Walking: 10h 05m (inc approx 1h 50m for breaks)

Weather: Hot hot hot

General Condition: It's been tough today in the heat but I've held up ok-ish. Knees were giving me gip this morning and my old friend chaffing is back. Legs feel tired but ok.
Feet Condition: Not as bad as I though! My right foot has some skin rubbed of the back and a blister coming on the heel. My left foot has a blister on my little toe and one on the ball - to pop or not to pop that is the question? Other than that they are just feeling very well used!

I had dubbed today as 'hell day' as it was my longest day, I'm eating only freeze dried and boil in the bag food and the forecast is for hot weather!

After a fitful sleep I left the sustainability centre at 7.10, it took me ages to pack up, something I need to work on! And started with a gentle flat path for three miles before dropping down into Queen Elizabeth's Country Park. It was getting hot already, none of that nice cloud cover from yesterday morning!

After QECP the terrane started rolling. Not real significant climbs but lots of up and downs plus it was getting hotter. Some of the path was shaded and a nice cooling breeze but it was starting to get tough when I was out the open and out of the wind, which seemed to be most of the time. Some more stunning scenery help to take my mind off!

I pushed on for 15 miles before stopping for lunch under some trees. I ate freeze dried chilli con carni (not as good as I thought it would be - I had high hope) while watching some cows - I did feel a little guilty!

The afternoon was very much about getting my head down and putting one foot in front of the other. It started off much as it has left off with rolling hills. Some cloud had come in and I had hopes it would stay. After a quick water refill (I certainly noticed the extra weight!) the path took a flatter turn and in nice shady woodland which was good as the clouds had all but disappeared.

After a short break I headed into the last 4 miles with some rolling hills again before making my way in to Gumber Bothy.

So it turns out that I the only one here tonight. I have the whole of the camping barn to myself. I plan to eat dinner (Chicken Tikka Masala and Treacle Pudding!) then crashing out. Planning another early start.

After dubbing today 'Hell Day' I'm glad to get it over with but I can't get complacent as its only a mile less I have to walk tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Nick, you are amazing!!! We are full of admiration. Glad the weather's being (fairly) good to you, at least it's not tipping down with rain! Hope you continue to make good progress with as few blisters as possible. Stay strong, and know that we're thinking of you every step of the way! Love from all at Small Steps x
